Basal metabolic rate calculator

The human body consumes calories every day, even when at rest. They are necessary for blood circulation, respiration, digestion, maintaining the desired body temperature (36.6 degrees), growth and reproduction of cells. On average, these processes take 65-75% of the daily calorie intake, which can be calculated according to criteria such as age, gender, height, body weight and physical activity. 25-35% is subtracted from the desired indicator, and the basic metabolic rate (BMR) is obtained, below which daily calorie intake should not be lowered.
Metabolism or metabolism
Basic metabolism (BMR) was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, and several formulas are used to determine it. In particular, the Harris-Benedict equation of 1919, and the Kleiber law of the 1930s. The latter relates the basal metabolic rate to body weight, in a ratio of ¾, and is applicable not only to humans, but also to most animals. BMR is not the amount of energy that you need to consume with food every day, but the amount that is necessary to maintain the body's vital functions: in a state of physical, mental and emotional rest, and at a comfortable ambient temperature (18-20 degrees Celsius).
According to studies, the basic (basal) metabolic rate in an adult male is 1 kcal / kg / h, and in a woman it is 10% lower. That is, with a body weight of 70 kilograms, the BMR of the male body will be 1700 kilocalories, and the female - 1530 kilocalories. At the same time, the BMR value will also depend on the ratio between the processes of anabolism and catabolism - individual for each person, and changing with age.
What does metabolism affect
Basic metabolism affects all physical and chemical processes in the body, and determines the rate of distribution and energy consumption. There are protein, fat, carbohydrate, mineral and water metabolism, which can slow down and speed up independently of each other. It's hard to believe, but obese people with overweight have a much faster metabolism than thin people. So, the former need to process and expend calories much faster, even while at rest.
To speed up your metabolism, you need to consume fewer calories than you spend, and also gradually (not abruptly) increase physical activity. Giving up bad habits and switching to a balanced diet are two more important conditions for the normalization of metabolism.
That's why it's so important to know your BMR, and be able to calculate the required number of calories consumed. In addition, you need to maintain a balance of BJU: the consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in order to simultaneously supply the body with all the necessary substances and not gain excess weight.
Interesting facts
- Most calories are burned at rest, even if you lie down and do not move all day. Energy is spent on maintaining breathing, heart contractions, brain function, temperature regulation, and other "autonomous" processes in the body.
- There are "right" and "wrong" carbohydrates, respectively - slow and fast. The former are found in cereals, vegetables, fruits, and beans, while the latter are found in sweets, soda, cakes, chips, etc. Obviously, to normalize metabolism, you need to consume more “right” carbohydrates, and as few “wrong” ones as possible. .
- The more muscle in the body, the faster its metabolism. Moreover, it remains accelerated even at rest, and during training it increases by only 5%. This is one of the reasons why men's metabolism is on average higher than women's. The second reason is an increased level of the hormone testosterone.
- Regular consumption of protein foods speeds up the metabolism. This is due to the fact that a lot of energy is spent on the breakdown and assimilation of such food. To maximize the effect, it is worth eating "lean" protein foods with a low fat content: boiled chicken breast, baked fish, boiled eggs, etc.
- In women, the metabolic rate is also affected by menopause. During it, it is recommended to consume less carbohydrates, and reduce the total daily calories.
- The rate of metabolism is more influenced by the regularity of meals, rather than its quantity. So, gaining excess weight is much easier if you eat at night than if you eat more food, but in small portions throughout the day.
All processes in the human body depend on metabolism. By normalizing it, you can feel truly healthy and happy, because proper metabolism, among other things, has a positive effect on mood, clarity of thought, energy, sex drive, strength, and endurance. If you do not follow the MBR and calories consumed, the effect will be inversely proportional.